Potholder Designs by Allie Hoffman

One of the most prolific designers working in our field is Allie Hoffman, known on Pinterest as Antyal.

Her output is impressive — she seems to weave dozens of potholders every month, and posts innumerable photos including on- and off-loom shots — but what I love even more is her persistence in trying multiple variations on a design, sharing them all so you can watch the results evolve.

She might start by weaving a design from a printed chart or based on a photo she found online, and then she’ll make another version at a different size, and then in a different color palette, and then she’ll try combining part of one design with part of another, and before you know it she’ll have come up with some unique and wonderful results.

(I’ve fondly called her “the queen of the paste-up chart” after seeing striking examples of her work and realizing that she created them by printing out multiple copies of our charts then cutting them to pieces and taping them back together to create something unexpected.)

I’ve found her photo feed to be inspiring, and hope you will as well — check it out and see what catches your eye!

5 thoughts on “Potholder Designs by Allie Hoffman”

  1. Hi Matthew:
    I’ve been at a loss for words and turned bashful so it’s taken a while to express my gratitude and appreciation for the honor of a spotlight post on my designs.
    Thank you for your support and encouragement with my cut and tape charts of your patterns. You welcome new and creative expressions of patterns.
    Thank you also for creating this site which is a constant source of inspiration, and a wonderful resource for sharing potholder ideas. Your contribution to the potholder hobby is immeasurable.

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