Welcome! This website was created by Piglet Evans and Matthew Simon Cavalletto in order to share our collection of charts that explore techniques for weaving potholders from loops.
As children, we both made simple traditional woven-loop potholders, and as adults we were delighted to discover that this seemingly-simple art had so much more to offer than we had known at the time.
This is not a completed static book, such as you might find on a bookstore shelf, but rather a snapshot of an ongoing exploration. We add new patterns and publish updated copies of this collection on a regular basis.
The charts start off with very simple patterns that are widely used by weavers everywhere. As you continue through the collection, new techniques are introduced, explored, and combined with earlier ones to produce more complicated patterns. Near the end you’ll find more original designs that have been charted here for the first time. (There’s also a set of blank templates which can be used when charting your own patterns.)
The charts are available in two forms: combined PDFs, and as individual charts in PNG image format. In both cases you can view these on screen, download them, or print them out for easy reference.
Many of the designs have been described in posts here on this site, or on the Potholder People group on Facebook, for which additional links are included on the main list of charts.