Twisted Cords

Here’s a brand new pattern, just charted and woven for the first time this week: “Twisted Cords.”

As often happens, after weaving the draft pattern, Piglet was able to identify areas for improvement — in this case, a dozen spots where floats could be reoriented to make the lines stay straighter when removed from the loom — which I’ve now incorporated into the charts so future versions will look crisper.

Charts are posted for 27 pegs and for 19 pegs.

Piglet notes: “The distributed small floats throughout the pattern make a fabric that is flat and thin like tabby, but extremely flexible. You can crumple it in your hand. Great for pot lid knobs and pan handles.”

4 thoughts on “Twisted Cords”

  1. I LOVE this one!! Mine turned out really well☺️

    Could you make a Celtic knot series of patterns?

    I’ve been enjoying making potholders for about 6 months, mostly from your wonderful set of charts. Thank you!
    Also, is there a way to send pictures? I have a friend who wants an “atomic star burst” pattern woven into something and wonder if you could make a custom pattern for me? I also loved the article in Handwoven magazine about Gene’s potholders.

    1. Nancy — I’m a big fan of Celtic knotwork, so I’d love to chart some designs in that style… I haven’t figured out how to capture the complexity of the braiding, but I’ll keep thinking about it!

      Our comment system here doesn’t support photo attachments, but you’re welcome to share links to photographs you’ve uploaded elsewhere.

      I’m guessing that by “atomic starburst” you mean the midcentury-modern eight-pointed star pattern that looks a bit like an asterisk or compass rose. It’s not easy to combine straight and diagonal lines in a balanced way, but maybe someone can come up with a clever solution.

      Thanks for the positive feedback!

  2. Hi Matthew
    I’m keeping up! I’ve woven all but two of the cord and knot pattern. They are intriguing to me. I just read an article on how working with your hands is associated with cognitive and emotional benefits, improvement in memory, mood and attention. Adding the patterns teases the brain a bit, so as long as we get up and walk between weaving sessions it’s a win all around! Thanks for all the weaving challenges, keep ‘em coming.

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