Intersecting Corners

Intersecting Corners is a variation of our earlier “Diverging Corners” chart that was inspired by a fabric image shared by Deborah Jean Cohen. An interesting mix of tabby sections linked by twill diagonals create a flexible, scrunchable fabric that is mostly flat and even.

The diagonal twill lines (which are horizontal and vertical in the hanging position) are evident on the potholder surface.

Look how easily you can scrunch the potholder in your hand.

Highlighting the over(under)-2s before beginning to weave reveals the diagonal pattern of twill lines, in 3 alternating zig-zags. The potholder will bias around those lines, so it flexes in many directions.

The first 3 rows lock in the pattern.

5 rows….

This chart is complicated enough that I mark my progress as I weave to help my eye track on the correct row.

7 rows…

9 rows and the chart-in-progress.

13 rows (and the chart)…

17 rows (+ chart)…

19 rows…




Finished, still on the loom.

Completed chart, showing all of the highlighting accumulated along the way.

And here’s a clean chart you can download and print:

And a modified version to fit on an 18-peg loom:

6 thoughts on “Intersecting Corners”

  1. I just found your patterns. They are awesome!!! I cannot wait to get started! Do you have a book that you sell? I would gladly pay to support your generosity and talent!!

    1. Brenda — thanks for the interest! Rather than selling a printed book, we’ve decided to give away all of our patterns as a downloadable file available on our home page at If you’d like paper copies and don’t have a printer at home, local business-service or photocopy shops should be able to print and bind it the whole thing affordably.

  2. I’m missing something on your 18 peg adaptation. I’ve tried it four times and it such doesn’t work out. The colors don’t cross correctly if you follow the gridded pattern. Using the key of | for warp showing and — for weft showing has black going under white, yet your information on reading charts say the color depiction should reflect the potholder.

    I followed the chart for the 27 peg and your progression in photos and that worked, but the 18 doesn’t.

    If I’m doing something wrong please let me know.


    1. Shalva — I’m so sorry for the confusion here!

      When I first posted this pattern, my chart for the 18-peg version had mis-colored threading markers around the edge.

      I noticed the problem shortly thereafter and fixed the problem… but only uploaded the corrected version to our home page, leaving the erroneous version posted above.

      I’ve fixed this oversight now — please accept my apologies for missing it the first time!

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