I have figured out boxes in boxes. Behold, aMAZEing…
[Originally published to Noreen Crone-Findlay’s Potholder Loom Weaving group on Facebook in November 2020.]
I took labyrinth off the loom, and only then discovered I had some fixable extra-long floats on the back. But I don’t care! It’s usable even if it isn’t perfect.
The grid shows how it works. When you alternate colors on each side, you have fixed points that must be those colors. In between are points which could be either color, depending on whether you weave over or under at the point. The fixed points you can choose which way to weave, and the color pattern won’t change. To switch from a solid horizontal line to a dotted horizontal line, you skip one vertical loop — go over or under 2 instead of 1. To design your pattern, color in the squares that could go either way.
Then you have to confirm that you have not skipped 3 loops in a row, because of the color pattern on the line above — if you planned it all out in advance, you could catch those as you diagrammed. I wasn’t that patient. Also, you have to check the back for the same condition.

[Originally published to Noreen Crone-Findlay’s Potholder Loom Weaving group on Facebook in November 2020.]