Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey

This pattern really is bigger on the inside.

As we saw with the coaster pattern, 2 over 2 in a tabby-like “basketweave” is inherently unstable and will collapse on itself.  This pattern uses this behavior for its magic, collapsing “fish scales” into diagonal lines.  Other threadings produce similarly unexpected color variations.

The weaving pattern here is over 2, under 2, over 1, under 1, repeat to end.  On the next row, shift over *2* columns.

Row 1:  over 1, under 1, over 2, under 2, repeat to end.  Row 2: under 2,  over 1, under 2, over 2,  repeat to end.  Row 3: over 2, under 2, over 1, under 1, repeat to end.  Repeat these 3 rows until done.

The fabric is thick and dense, producing a smaller than usual potholder.

Let’s try that with green and purple columns, white rows, on an 18-peg traditional sized loom.

7 thoughts on “Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey”

  1. First, I want to thank you so much for this wonderful website, so full of potholder patterns I never thought of, so much inspiration!

    Next, I love this Newsprint pattern. It’s so thick, and even, with so many color possibilities. I’ve been playing with it for a week or so, and I found out something exciting. If you’re weaving on an 18 peg loom, like me, and you want to make a potholder, not a coaster, turn the pattern a quarter turn to the right. Then string up your vertical loops. Use 19 (by putting two loops on one peg in the middle).Then when you weave in the horizontals, you can slip the 2nd one right over the first one, so that both loops are on one peg. Similarly, the 4th loop will slip over the 3rd one, and so on. Skip a peg after every 2-3 rows. I can get 26 horizontal loops (13 rows) on comfortably this way, one on top of the other. And voila, the potholder is potholder-sized! Another cool thing about doing it this way is that you can see what the front and back will look like. It’s not as magical, but it sure is easier to design this way.

    Thank you again for all your work developing these great patterns and sharing them for free. Your website reminds me of the old internet, no selling, no ads, just people sharing what they love for the fun of it. Thank you. And if you want, I have a “zig-zag”,a “pinwheels”a “confetti”, and a “3 color alternating lines” in this newsprint pattern. I could email them to you, or put them on Pinterest.

    1. Anne — thank you for the positive feedback!

      Your innovation, doubling up the loops while they’re still on the loom, is super clever.

      We’d love to see the examples you’ve woven, via whichever channel is most convenient. I’ll reach out via email so you have our address in case that’s your preference.

      Thanks again!

      — Matthew

  2. Don’t Blink.
    The Angels stole my blue box.

    I totally get the “wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey….stuff” reference.
    *I’m a die-hard Whovian*
    The 4th Doctor is my favourite, but the above-mentioned episode from the 10th Doctor is in my top 3 favourite episodes.

    Perhaps my next potholder will be TARDIS Blue

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