Twisty Passages

Twisty Passages, front.
Twisty Passages, rear.

A maze of twisty little passages, all alike!  The quadrilateral symmetry of this pattern makes the pattern repetitive to weave if you work from the center out to the edges.

3 thoughts on “Twisty Passages”

  1. I think warps 13 and 15 in weft row 18 should read “under”.

    I recently finished Floating Diamond, with the diamond optical illusion in the center, and discovered that this pattern has diamonds and half diamonds galore! The illusion is hard to see on the potholder itself, but I found them in the illustrations at the top of the pattern page. This is a fun potholder!

    1. Miriam — you’re right — thank you for the correction!

      I’ll upload a new chart with the fix ASAP.

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