6 thoughts on “Square Spiral”

  1. This is so awesome! My Mom just created this pattern for me last month (march 2022) and I gave her credit for coming up with her one her own. Whoops! I just told my Mom about this and she said that if we would have found this sooner that it would have saved her a whole lot of trouble!

    1. Oh, that’s wonderful! I love that we are re-embracing this art. Such creativity in weaving right now.

  2. Hi Piglet and Matthew,
    I recently wove this design from your PDF booklet of charts and it came out completely differently, because on peg 9and 10 in that version are both light colored!
    You may want to correct that. I see here that wasn’t the intention.
    I so much appreciate your designs, especially for 18 peg looms. Great imagination!!

    1. Nancy — thank you for letting us know about the mis-colored peg labels in some copies of the “Square Spiral” pattern for 18 pegs. We’ll get this corrected in the next version we publish. Sorry for the confusion, and we appreciate the feedback!

  3. I’m looking at the 18 peg pattern for Square Spiral and wonder if something is amiss. For example, how can the top right square in the grid be black, if both the warp and weft loop in that square are white? Thanks for any clarification you might provide.

    1. Janelle — I’m sorry for this mix-up. I redrew these charts following a bit of silly Internet drama, and in doing so I managed to invert the threading colors shown around the 18-peg version. The version on our home page has now been updated — thanks for letting us know about the issue!

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