FAQ: Patterns, Inspiration, and Community

Note: This FAQ has just been added recently and is a work in progress. If have have suggestions for material to add, drop us a line!

Where can I find free patterns?

What books can I buy?

  • Potholder Loom Weaving: Techniques For Multi Color Patterns, Different Shapes and Tapestry Weaving (2020) by Noreen Crone-Findlay [Amazon]
  • Potholder Loom Designs: 140 Colorful Patterns (2019) by Rachel Snack for Harrisville Designs [Amazon]
  • Artful Twill Weaving with Loops: Endless Possibilities (2022) by Linda Lutomski [Amazon]
  • Design & Texture: Endless Possibilities: Weaving with Loops on a Potholder Loom (2023) by Linda Lutomski [Amazon]
  • Radical Potholder Weaving: Techniques and Inspiration for the Potholder Loom; 100+ Weaving Patterns (2024) by Deborah Jean Cohen [Amazon]
  • In the Loop: Radical Potholder Patterns and Techniques (2021) by Deborah Jean Cohen [Friendly Loom]
  • Potholder Patterns and More Potholder Patterns by Gina Underwood for TimberCreekCraftsTX. [Etsy] Spiral-bound books, 50-plus patterns, almost all tabby. 

Where can I buy individual patterns or pattern pamphlets?

What Facebook groups exist for potholder weaving?

Where else can I find other potholder weavers and samples of their work online?