Online Discussion, Saturday, December 7

I’ll be joining Kate Kilmurray of the Weaving Way Community for an online discussion next weekend about my experience adapting historical fabric structures to create our online collection of free weaving charts.

Join us at 4PM Saturday, December 7th, 2024 on Zoom!

Charting our Priceless Legacy

For a thousand generations, people have been turning fibers into fabric — learning from the community, adding their own creative spark, and passing the skill on to others. Until recently, I would have said that rich history had nothing in common with my life as a computer software nerd, but now I see important parallels that draw the two crafts together. In this talk I’ll discuss how Piglet and I find inspiration in historical techniques, adapt them for use on our tiny looms, and send them onwards as weaving charts to educate and inspire others.

ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Matthew Cavalletto is a professional web application developer who was pleasantly surprised to discover that his love of diagrams and patterns could be of use to crafters. He works with his wife and creative partner Piglet Evans to document and explore weaving structures. Over the last four years, they’ve created and shared a collection of more than six hundred free charts at